Female Sex Toys: Sex toys and music are as pleasurable as vibrators, vibrating love rings, textured dildos, and adult toy clit massagers.

Audi Oh

9 Customer Reviews
Audi Oh: Sex toys and music are as pleasurable as vibrators, vibrating love rings, textured dildos, and adult toy clit massagers.
Sex toy review: four hearts.

Item Description

Get turned on listening to your lover's soothing voice in a whole new way. For those of us who enjoy a unique approach to vibrators, the Audi-Oh is perfect! It's a sound-activated bullet-style vibrator that increases its vibration speed as its microphone picks up sound - allowing you to customize your orgasms like you've never been able to before.

In Ambient Mode the Audi-Oh will respond to sounds in the environment such as someone's voice or the music in dance club (to give you a few kinky ideas), and in Direct Mode the toy will capture direct audio input from portable CD or MP3 players, home audio, musical instruments and PCs (you get the idea). There's also, of course, a function that allows it to be used as a "regular" vibrator with a regular manual speed control for when you want to cut right to the chase. It comes with a soft "butterfly" harness attachment that can be worn discreetly under clothing. The options are endless here folks!

Editorial Review

The fist time I heard about this toy, I couldn't wait to review it. I love unusual toys and something with a twist gets me every time.

The Audi-Oh comes with instructions that explain all the ways in which the toy can be used. The control dials are located on the main device, which is the same size (3" x 2.25") and looks the same as a pager. It also has a clip on the back that allows it to be easily attached to clothing.

There are two dials - one for Speed which acts like a regular variable speed vibe. The other dial controls the Volume. This dial is what really makes the Audi-Oh unique as it adjusts the sensitivity of the sound activated mechanism. Between the two, you've got all the variety you could ever wish for in a vibrator!

The audio interactive mode provides a great range of feelings. For instance, your lover can whisper things in your ear and the Audi-Oh will tease you with light, ticklish vibrations. Or try turning on music with a nice rhythmic beat and experience your senses of sound and touch synchronize rhythmically with one another. I found that tapping the case of the Audi-Oh results in short, hard vibrations. Finally, when both dials are cranked all the way up, this little bullet packs more of a punch than I would have ever imagined coming from such a tiny toy! In fact, it packs the most powerful punch I've ever experienced from a toy its size. Maybe this isn't completely surprising, especially considering that it takes a 9-Volt battery!

The Audi-Oh also comes with a harness attachment that allows for hands-free experience, and of course I had to give this a workout. I will mention here that I had a little trouble getting the butterfly harness on for the first time. It was confusing which strap to attach where, but by the second time I had no problems at all - it just took that first time learning curve. Lesson learned - if you plan on using the Audi-Oh for the first time on a romantic evening or with a significant other, definitely try it on beforehand. Another lesson learned - add some lube to the end of the bullet before slipping it into the attachment. This will make it much easier to retrieve afterwards. I forgot to do this beforehand, and I had trouble getting it out of the butterfly without pulling on the wires.

Overall, the butterfly added an entire new dimension to the toy. I danced around my room to the sexy tribal rhythms of Dead Can Dance, enjoying the changing sensations surging throughout my body. I was tantalized by the sound of sexy voices, and as the tone changed, so did the stimulation on my most tender bits. The vibrator even responded to the gentle brushing of my t-shirt against it. My boyfriend and I danced until I simply could take it no longer. Even a light tapping on the box (or a gentle whisper) was enough to make me quiver.

So what's my final opinion?

In case you haven't already guessed, I love this toy! It's perfect for singles as well as couples, and offers infinite possibilities. As for myself, I can't wait to walk down the noisy streets of New York with the Audi-Oh strapped between my legs. I'm a big fan of the new wave of programmable vibrators that vary the speed and intensity based on several presets. The Audi-Oh has not only leapfrogged this trend, but also raised the standard for this new wave of vibrators.

Additional Details

Battery Info:  Requires a 9-Volt battery.
Material:  This item is made of Jelly.

Customer Reviews Add a review

Sex toy review: one heart. Anonymous
There are several words I could use to describe the Audi-oh. None of them are nice, but I'll use them anyway.

The first would be loud. Oh. My. God. This thing makes more noise than any other vibe I have used! Even with two thick blankets bunched over it and loud music, it was still clearly audible. Go out in public with this? No way!

The second would be uncomfortable. The butterfly is hard to position effectively, which makes the harness more or less useless, and you end up getting pinched and poked by snaps and straps in VERY uncomfortable places.

The third is weak. Weak, weak, weak. The vibrations from the bullet on its own are shallow and unimpressive to begin with (and did I mention LOUD?). Adding the butterfly accessory, the only hope of making the thing bearable to have against your clit, makes the vibrations shallower and almost negligible. You'd think a 9-volt battery could pack a bigger punch, but no. The vibrations are also too fast; all they do is numb you up within a minute or so.

The fourth word would be unresponsive. Even placed directly atop a speaker at full volume, the system only responded to certain tones and frequencies, and even then unenthusiastically. The sensitivity to sound was cranked to the max, the mics were literally touching the speaker... and still it missed almost everything. This wasn't floaty New Age music, either. This was music by groups including Rammstein, Hammerfall, NIN. It was J-rock, J-pop, techno and electronica. Even the thumping remix of Haiducii's Dragostea Din Tei (the 'Numa Numa Song,' for the ignorant out there; no, it's not O-Zone, they only did a bad cover), with incredible bass and treble, did squat. The standard vibe mode was equally unimpressive.

The overall word to describe this toy? DISAPPOINTING. This is not a $70.00 vibrator, this is the sort of thing that's basically a cheap novelty dressed up in fancy packaging. Oh, wait, no. I have a $10.00 'sold as a novelty only' vibe that gets me off in a couple minutes. I used this one for literally twenty, with not so much as a twitch. The only thing that got hot was the bullet, and uncomfortably so; I had to give up because I was worried about it overheating. And it was threatening to burn me. Your vibrator should not be getting hotter than you are.

Don't waste your money on this. I sure wish I hadn't. A more appropriate name would be the 'Audi- ...oh.' Disappointing and dull, it's kind of like your average beach bunny. Pretty to look at, but once you get to know her, you'll wonder why you bothered. Do yourself a favour - buy a cheap egg and just fiddle with the control. You'll be glad you did. It's stronger and faster, and like the plain-looking, chubby girl at the beach, it's often underestimated but gives you a much better ride.

Sex toy review: four hearts. Anka
My wife has a new love for me. I bought this technological blessing for her. Since buying it, our bedroom has been more interesting. I've taken the time to watch her play with it. Now I understand why so many women complain about limited foreplay time. My wife gets nuttier with the Audi Oh than she does anything else. I quit being jealous, though. I simply joined in the fun. I bought the Vibrating Sleeve for myself. We both masturbate at the same time now. And, then, we make love. It's one productive routine that I recommend any guy to take seriously.
Sex toy review: five hearts. trisqa

I feel like part of the VibeReview crowd now. I've reviewed three products!!! Go me, Go me!

Divinely inspired, the Audi Oh has no flaws. The vibrations follow every beat. Sound into vibrations of pleasure? Are you serious? Yes, the vibrations are powerful, but they adjust to the music playing. Stimulation of the highest degree is not a problem with this vibrator. It's also cool that music isn't required to use the vibrator. I don't always like using the sound option. Sometimes I just want quick masturbation before my day starts. Other times, I do want music to push my vibrator to its limit. Depends on my mood and time constraints, I guess.

I highly recommend this vibrator for women sick of the same ole' vibrators. This one is multi-dimensional, exciting, and unique.

Sex toy review: five hearts. tessa
I haven't used this vibrator yet, but I initially purchased it from VibeReview for my sister. She recently got divorced, so I decided to cheer her up with a gift. She hasn't stopped talking about it. She loves this vibrator. I am buying mine today, so I'll have a follow-up review very soon. My sister can be so picky, so if she liked it, I know I will.
Sex toy review: five hearts. Charlotte S

What a unique vibrator! The creativity and technology behind the creation of the Audi Oh makes me excited for the future. But, for the moment, let me stay in the present. The Audi Oh is my favorite vibrator. It's rare that I masturbate without my favorite tunes pouring out of my bedroom radio. Predictably, when I came across the reviews for this vibrator, I ordered it right that moment. I don't even think I read more than two reviews. The very idea of this vibrator had me excited.

At first glance, after receiving it in the mail, I had concern about the strap fitting. Not a problem in the least. It fit right on, and it didn't pinch any skin. The vibrator is positioned perfectly within the strap. The stimulation produced surpasses anything offered by other vibrators. I actually like the deep, deep bass sounds. The vibrations follow the echo of each bass hit. Make me drool, I swear. The vibrator is easy as pie to use. No worries, ladies. You don't need a tech book to figure it out.

Thanks VibeReview. You've done it, again. What will come out next? A transportable, dual stimulation vibrating key chain that looks like a flashlight? Muahahahahaha!

Sex toy review: five hearts. Anonymous Reviewer
The Audi Oh is one expensive vibrator, but it's so worth it. I often masturbate to Marvin Gaye's voice. His singing really gets me excited, only in a relaxing sort of way. Basically, any soothing music can add another dimension to the experience. When I found this vibrator, I bought it immediately. I knew it was expensive, but it looked so cool that I took a chance. Wow! Wow! It's so hard to describe the unique feeling achieved by this vibrator. It's just something you have to experience for yourself. I will say, the vibrator works best with slow, romantic, low bass tunes. It's also important to note that the strap is comfortable. I wasn't sure about that aspect when I ordered it.
Sex toy review: five hearts. Bridget Oremon
I have NEVER encountered a vibrator like this, never. At first, I hesitated: the price was so high that I really couldn't justify buying it for myself. Well, I told my boyfriend about it and being the wonderful guy he is, he bought it from your website.

I still can't believe he actually bought it for me. My boyfriend wanted to immediately play with it. So did I, I must admit.

As soon as the packaged arrived (thanks for the no hassle delivery), we opened it up, got naked, and turned some soothing old school jazz on. We didn't turn it up very loud - I wanted to focus more on my boyfriend's commands, his voice.

It wasn't hard to use the device. We figured it out the first time. Looking at the picture, I thought I would need a college course to use the damn thing. No, it was very easy to use.

So, anyway, my boyfriend has a deep voice. The Audi Oh seemed to respond more to his voice as it got deeper. We decided to turn on Victor Wooten, to see how it responded to fast-paced bass hits. Wow, wow, wow!!!! My poor vagina went nuts. My boyfriend watched me squirm and yell out in pleasure. He did his own thing, too.

I have never, never, never experienced an orgasm like that before. Now I have them all the time, with or without my boyfriend around. The Audi Oh has actually helped me relax in the bedroom.

I would recommend this device to every single woman. The orgasms are more intense than anything you've experienced, and even better, you can experiment with it. Both people can participate in the action, which is important. You must keep your man or woman involved or resentment follows, right?

I have so much fun with this device that I can't wait to get home at night. It's a new experience each time. After using it as much as I do, I can't believe it isn't more expensive.

Sex toy review: five hearts. Anonymous Reviewer
Here is My blow by blow account of trying the audi-oh, which I typed pretty much as I was trying it. What can I say, I'm an anthropologist at heart!

Houston, we have insertion!

I go to the kitchen with the bullet, lube, and condom. I wash my hands, break open the condom. I try to determine which side of the condom has lubricant, so the bullet is on the dry side, but it seems like both sides are lubricated. I shrug, put the bullet in the tip and unroll the condom. I then put some lube on top of the condom where the bullet is (Astroglide, said to be the best, and certainly not the cheapest), and then wipe the rest of the lube from my finger onto my asshole (which is where it'll end up anyway). Then holding the bullet by the condom, I start pushing in into my ass. A bit tricky, since it's slippery. But it goes in without much protest. I pull up my panties, and walk around a bit, after hooking it up to the device, and turning it on. I become much more aware that everything I move makes noise, in a pleasant but surprising way! Putting something down on a hard table makes a noise, and a corresponding buzz. But as it vibrates, it slips out. I push it in again, but this time, instead of pushing it just in, I push with my finger going in to the second knuckle. There! That should stay in, and it does. I pull up the panties, wipe my hand, and go back to my lair, comfy chair and computer (I always have a towel on the seat of my computer chair... saves time that way).

Maestro, Music!

I put in Tatu's "All the things she said". I soon realize I need to hold the device next to the speakers of my small stereo to get it to work. It gives a very nice variety of feelings, periods of buzzing when they talk softly, and then thumping a bit more when the beat picks up. Probably not the best ride, but it's a gentle intro for a first time. I like it.

Then from the laptop I line up CD4's TechnoSlut track. I put the Audi-oh's Speed (labeled S, it's the basic vibrator speed in total silence) halfway up, and Volume (sensitivity to sound, labeled V) all the way up. At that setting it produces a constant hum and vibration. I need to put the box right next to the laptop speaker to make it work and found myself wanting a longer cord (note to self, get audio extension cord).

I run TechnoSlut (TS) twice. Now this is more of a ride! Quite intense, the beat is extremely fast, and it runs the Audi-oh near the max. I laugh, noticing my ass is singing, and remembering an Angel episode. It's not quiet when you run it near the max like this. Verrry pleasant. But I also notice it's running hot, so I turn it down a bit. That probably wouldn't be a problem with a sheath, but this thing is an engine, so it does heat up when it runs at max for a while.

Next, in my buffet of delights, I choose Aqua's Aquarium CD on the stereo, figuring they have a good beat. I try this time clipping the device on my panties, and turning up the stereo's volume for "Happy boys and happy girls". I need it fairly loud in the room to work from a distance, but it does make me quite happy indeed!

"My oh my" Nice one, nice mix. "Barbie girl" is an intense one with variety. I'm getting pretty hot by now, so I masturbate to this one, and light up a cigarette. Smoking, masturbating, and listening to those words, often closing my eyes... gets me in an altered state, as I imagine the barbie girl... I started the song over again (hey, my cigarette isn't done... can't stop now...)

Houston, the Eagle has landed...

Can't stand it anymore, so I masturbate myself to orgasm... and start Barbie a third time as I'm getting close. Out loud: "Yes, yes, fuck yes!... Yes.... yesss.... yessss....." (I don't usually talk out loud when I masturbate to orgasm... but this is GOOD!) I turn down volume on the device... on the stereo... then the speed. Blink a few times (I'm writing this as it happens... well, not during orgasm exactly, but right after... want to get it down while it's fresh.)

Prepare for booster rocket separation

Okay, time to pull out the whole thing. That was nice. Very nice. Listening to Good Morning Sunshine now as I relax. I turn off the device dials completely, pull out the bullet's wire from the Audi-oh box, put the box to the side, and get up. I pull down my panties completely (which I'd kept to help the bullet stay in), pull on the condom so I don't pull out the bullet's wire of it. Hmmm. It's not coming out.

I pull a bit harder, but no joy. I bend over a bit, and pretend I'm pooing as I pull on the condom. Pop! It comes out. I turn the condom inside out to remove it, throw it in the garbage, and wipe the bullet on my masturbation towel (I have a set of identical small towels... purple of course). The bullet was a bit greasy from the condom's lubricant, but that's all. I sniff it. No bum smell, it's clean. I put the bullet away. Mission accomplished. :)

The Aftermath

I love it! This is the best sex toy I've ever tried! I've brought it to parties, shown it off to friends. They all love it and think it's soooo cool. They all said something like "I want one! Where can I get one of those?!?"

Sex toy review: four hearts. Mongojerry_2
Marvelous little toy. I get to review it from a particular angle--BDSM. First time we used it I tied her on the couch and cranked up Beethoven's 5th symphony. It teased her mercilessly until finally making her (letting her) cum at the start of the 4th movement. Ludwig is such a devil to play the start of the 4th movement literally all over again in the middle of it building my darling up to push her over yet again. Rhythmic music is fun, but look for stuff with more random or building peaks and valleys like in the classical realm--long periods of quiet punctuated by blasts of full orchestra and long drawn out building crescendos. . .

Other entertainments have included putting the mic at her face as she is spanked--her every gasp/moan buzzes her clit. Also car rides with the radio. . . Haven't tied her in the back of the new van yet. . . that's next and I think that's when I'll repeat the Beethoven's 5th stunt. :)

Probably my (and her) favorite, though, has been tying her to the chair in front of videos depicting other female models being tormented--tied, spanked, whipped, teased and made to cum with vibrators. . . While the Audi-oh firmly nestles her clit (we've actually found it's best to eschew the sleeve and position it in her panties) to translate the model's gasps, pants, moans, and any conversation in the clips as well into blasts of vibration of varying intensity and duration--she is simply helplessly turned on watching the action on the screen and being buzzed out of her mind as it proceeds. . .

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