Lubes & Lotions: Body Butter

Body Butter

7 Customer Reviews
Body Butter
Sex toy review: three-and-a-half hearts.

Item Description

Edible massage lotion adds an additional dimension of pleasure to sensual massage. Doc Johnson's Body Butter is widely recognized as one of the tastiest edible massage lotions in existence. Your taste buds will erupt in excitement over each delicious flavor. Body Butter is undoubtedly soft and gentle with delicate skin. It also serves as a skin moisturizer, so damaged skin does receive healing nutrients.

Massage and lick your way into intense sensualism, a point where physical release and mental release collide, producing romantic nights and days between lovers. Choose from a variety of flavors, and prepare yourself for immediate physical and mental gratification.

Editorial Review

Body Butter is one of those rare products that found balance in taste, lubrication smoothness, and helpful skin nutrients. Having all three aspects in alignment created a unique edible massage lotion that even professionals rave about. I know a few women who believe Body Butter helps diminish stretch marks.

Massage is an important part of my relaxation efforts. Without a good massage lotion, massage hurts and can be boring. Body Butter and Motion Lotion are the two products that I use the most. I recommend both, for different reasons. Motion Lotion is a warming lotion; the faster and more it is rubbed onto the skin, the warmer it gets. This is a must have for cold nights by the fireplace. Body Butter is better for those late nights, right before bed, when I need a quick massage or my skin feels dry.

Customer Reviews Add a review

Sex toy review: four hearts. Anonymous Reviewer
I've tasted both Strawberry Sundae and Peaches and Cream. Peaches and Cream is the better flavor of the two. Not much I have to say. I mean, edible massage lotion is a lot of fun, but it's even better when the lotion tastes good. Body Butter met my expectations. The end.
Sex toy review: four hearts. Princess Coldheart
Vanilla is the flavor I purchased. I am very pleased with the flavor and the soft skin it gives me. It wasn't out of my price range, either. Next time I will probably order an extra container or two. I also use a little bit of it after taking a shower. Keeps me smelling fresh throughout the day. The girls at the office are now buying it too. I am glad VibeReview added Body Butter to the website; I couldn't find it for a good price anywhere else.
Sex toy review: five hearts. Starlit
Much, much better than that crap I purchased a few months back. It tasted so bad that I can't even remember the name of it. Body Butter spreads over the body with less lotion applied. Like the last reviewer mentioned, don't over-indulge on the stuff. My husband and I use it every few weeks to spend time together. Works for us.
Sex toy review: three hearts. Natalie R.
Peaches and Cream...great tasting. Smells great, too. I am content with my purchase and this product. While it is edible, I wouldn't recommend eating too much of it. Its strong flavor, when consumed in a large amount, is too rich. A very small amount is needed for massage. Use it sparingly - that's what I do, in any case. Will purchase more at some point.
Sex toy review: four hearts. Pool of PLEASURE
Peaches-n-Cream, it is my favorite. I am lazy, so massage has never been really important to me. It IS important to my wife, and since I do want her to be satisfied, I had to find some sort of product to encourage and motivate me. Peaches-n-Cream tastes darn good; I don't mind massaging as much now.
Sex toy review: three hearts. Anonymous Reviewer
I like Strawberry Sundae the best of all the body butters (or of the ones I've tasted; I haven't tasted all of them yet). Leaves my skin feeling smooth, less dry, and better taken care of. The edible aspect is cool, but a thin residue feeling is left on the tongue.
Sex toy review: four hearts. chris m.
Fun product. Was a hit with my wife. I plan on buying more in the future.

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