Sex Toys: Flavored


Highest rated sex toys.  

These are the items with the highest customer ratings in this category. If you want more of a selection, regardless of rating, here are the rest of the items in this category.

A delicious, erotic trip awaits your tongue and mouth! Your sweet tooth and oral fixations are cared for when you include one of these quality flavored lubes in your naughty oral agenda.

Strawberry Astroglide: Tasty flavored lube makes sex toys more interesting and arousing.
Sex toy review: four hearts. 
ID Juicy: Enjoy your oral sex and sex toy masturbation with the help of ID Juicy flavored lube.
Sex toy review: four hearts. 
Wet Flavored Lube: Taste great flavored lube while you play with arousing adult sex toys and G-Spot vibrating dildos.
Sex toy review: four hearts. 

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